WELCOME daa families!
August 25th, 2023
Welcome DAA Families!
Our DAA Teachers and Support Team have been working tirelessly in preparation for your return, and we are excited to welcome our students for the 2023-24 school year! Our enhancement projects continue at a great pace, adding many benefits and supports to our instructional plan. Thank you for your kind understanding as work continues into the new year. I greatly appreciate your patience and good humor with our progress illustrated by the enhancement works.
As I have shared previously and will expand upon in coming weeks, these projects include significantly renovated playgrounds; expanded learning spaces for professional development, collaboration, and exciting instructional areas such as our Elementary School maker space expanding support for the AI and Robotics Center of Excellence; expanded canteen seating with a hot kitchen; our WISE Center for Wellbeing; the establishment of our STAR Hub to further support Student Achievement and Readiness; as well as enhanced aesthetics.
In addition to the exciting additions and renovations, please read through SPOTS for important information from Divisions; WISE Talks that will support student learning and growth; helpful updates about bus transportation and vehicle traffic flow; school timings, and more.
We are eager to return to our rhythm of industry and learning next week. I look forward to seeing each of our students return for another amazing year of growth at Dubai American Academy!
All the best in our brilliant new year ahead!
division updates
First day of school
August 28: First day of school (G1 to 12)
August 28: New student Orientation for K1 and K2
New KG families are invited to campus 9-10am to welcome you into our school community, meet your elementary teams and be provided with essential information ahead of the school year.
August 29: First day of school for K1 and K2 students
Health clinic
The DAA medical team have provided a brief overview of the school clinic operations, policies and programs that are in line with GEMS, KHDA and Dubai Health Authority (DHA) regulations.
Please take the time to read the PDF.

Please kindly note that payment of tuition fees are due on or before August 28th 2023.
Tuition fee invoices have been emailed to your registered primary email ID with us. Please contact finance_daa@gemsedu.com if you have not received the invoice.
We are pleased to inform you that our Accounts office on campus is open Monday to Thursday 8am – 4pm, Fridays 8am – 1pm and for your convenience they will be open on Saturday August 26th 8am - 2pm for the easy payment of your child's fees for the new term. Alternatively, you can pay online through the GEMS Connect website either online https://oasis.gemseducation.com/, on the GEMS Connect App.
slices lunch
From Grab&Go sandwiches and salads to hot meals and live stations, Slices offers healthy and tasty meals to our students.
A cashless system is implemented in our multiple dining spaces for Grades 3 to 12. For lower elementary classroom delivery is available, pre-ordered by parents.
Find more information on how to top-up the Student Card and Term 1 menus HERE
At DAA we operate a School Bus Program with STS, who have a long track record of safe transportation of students.
We would highly recommend utilizing the school bus to significantly reduce the congestion in the area and make your child's daily commute safe and convenient. The school bus is suitable for all ages, and includes classroom drop off and collection by designated staff for lower Elementary.
If you have not yet secured your spot for the bus service, please contact Kelvin sde-daa@sts-group.com / 04 704 9755 or visit our STS representatives on campus in the main atrium to discuss available options.
For parents opting to drive, parking outside of the school building is regulated by RTA and requires payment on a daily or annual permit basis to avoid fines (Zone C). We would strongly advise for you to consider the school bus as the most efficient transport for school and avoid risk of fines.
DROP off and pick up guide
For parents opting to drive, parking outside of the school building is regulated by RTA and requires payment on a daily or annual permit basis to avoid fines (Zone C).
A kind reminder that students are expected to arrive at school in full uniform next week.
Uniforms can be purchased from Threads retail store in Times Square Centre or ordered online. For your convenience, Threads will be hosting a pop-up shop on DAA campus this weekend (26/27th August).
Pre-book via the portal on the website www.threadsme.com/.
Our uniform guide can be found on the website HERE: School Uniform Guide
Contact Information for Threads: 04 396 4837 or support@threadsme.com
Stay tuned for more information.
Coming soon
The fair is an opportunity for parents to gather information regarding both our internal and external Activities Program, as well as the opportunity to meet 3rd party providers from ESM. Sign up opens at 3pm on the day.
September 5th, before school
A great opportunity for parents to hear from principals and connect with their child's teachers to ensure a successful year ahead for our Leopards. Details to come!
September 12th - MS
September 13th - HS
September 14th - ES
DAA Listens
At DAA we are committed to communicating effectively with our families. We believe that open communication between home and school is a vital component of our student’s success.
We are excited to continue our communication channel within our school community, DAA Listens. By scanning this QR code you will be able to share your compliments, comments or concerns directly with our Superintendent Dr Hildreth. There are 6 mailboxes located around the school, where students and parents can drop a postcard. Either method will ensure that Dr. Hildreth will receive the communication and that a member of staff will be back in touch with you quickly.
Your voice is highly valued and we look forward to listening to your feedback as we collectively seek to enhance every student’s experience at our school.
Parents & Students Cybersecurity Guide

other information
ADMINISTRATIONADMISSIONS - Registrar_daa@gemsedu.com 04 704 9707
DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONSGabrielle Keane g.keane_daa@gemsedu.com / 04 704 9706
FINANCEfinance_daa@gemsedu.com 04 704 9740 / 04 704 9744
HEALTHhealthoffice_daa@Gemsedu.com / 04 704 9761
SLICES CATERINGMs. Shevine daa@slices.ae / 054 792 7509https://pay.slices.ae/support/ticket/submit
STS BUS SERVICEKelvin Sicat sde-daa@sts-group.com / 04 704 9755