September 23, 2021
Dear Parents,
We sincerely appreciate your attendance and engagement during our back to school night last week. Below you will find some reflections from our feedback form:
From a parent's perspective, we can't express how fantastic it is to have our children back on campus and in the buoyant energy of their normal school routine! YES!!!! We just wanted to thank you for a great back to school night yesterday. We appreciate the work that goes behind those events and we felt it was flawless.
The evening was super well organized, it was really easy to maneuver from block to block and the 5 minutes break between each of them worked as a great buffer.
If at first, two and a half hours seemed quite long, the teachers did such a great job presenting the year, giving information and answering questions, that time passed by really quickly and left us with a sense of having put it to really good use! So a big thank you to all involved!
Great to see all the teachers and how well organized they were to see an outline of the coming year.
Teachers were prepared and enthusiastic.
It was informative given the fact each teacher only had 10 minutes.
During the next few weeks we have opportunities for students to engage in athletics, after school activities, music ensembles, audition for the fall production as well as student-led clubs and charities. At the dinner table as your son and or daughter what they are engaging in here at DAA! We want all students to be engaged in an extracurricular activity. This supports their well-being by de-stressing from the daily academic rigors and also allows students to meet new friends and gain valuable skills. Universities are shifting their focus to the whole-child rather than solely on academics. Urge them to take advantage of our rich portfolio of opportunities!
Kind Regards,
Tammy Jochinke
High School Principal
high school Student and parent hub
We would like to introduce you to the DAA High School Student and Parent HUB. This site aims to provide you with pertinent and timely information on upcoming events, Student Led Clubs, Athletics and Activities, and the Course selection process to name a few.
Students will find DAA High School Student and Parent HUB useful as it includes Assessment Calendars, Assessment Policy as well as the HS Handbook.
parent agreement form
Recently, an email went out that focused on the HS Back to School Night. Part of this email focused on the Parent Agreement Form.
This form asks you to be aware of and to accept the DAA Behavior Expectations,
This form also asks you to be aware of and to accept the DAA Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement.
This form also asks you to be aware of and to accept the Academic Integrity and Honor Code.
If you have not yet completed this, please click on the link: Parental Agreement Form
Student Photos
Student photos for our high school students will take place during the week of October 3rd. Students will be notified which day their photos will be taken soon.
crew updates
Students and teachers have been settling into their CREW classes over the last few weeks and have engaged in valuable learning during their Tuesday sessions. Grade 12 began the year focused on organizational practices and study skills and has moved into researching aspects of attending university after high school, while Grade 11 classes have been building portfolios of character strengths in order to write SMART goals for the year. Our sophomores have also been working on goal setting based on the big decisions they will be making this year in their academic careers. Grade 9 has been doing some personal exploration in motivation and creating vision boards for the year, and they have also had a Grade 12 visitor who has shared with them highlights of high school - how to stay organized, joining activities, how to access powerschool - all the things they really need!
Three of the grades have had a class assembly, and we are excited to continue that weekly tradition throughout the year. The assemblies have been a great reminder that our community functions at its best when we are all together. Initial feedback from our students indicates they are grateful for the time with their CREW, using homeroom as a time to engage in relationship building and wellness, and they look forward to their time with their peers and teacher every week. It’s been a pleasure to see the program grow and our students and teachers flourish!
national honor society
We are excited to announce the inaugural chapter of the National Honor Society of Dubai American Academy. The National Honor Society is an international organization that recognizes students who exemplify the four pillars of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Students benefit from National Honor Society membership through recognition of their academic achievements, the development of leadership skills, and service to their community.
Membership in the National Honor Society is a privilege bestowed upon deserving students by the faculty, and is based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Students eligible for National Honor Society membership meet the following criteria:
Grade 10, 11, or 12
Cumulative grade point average of 3.7 or above
Evidence of service, leadership, and outstanding character
Parents and students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.7 or above have received an email inviting students to apply for National Honor Society membership. The member selection process begins with the student's submission of their candidate profile. Candidate profiles are then evaluated by the faculty council for approval. Profiles must be submitted by Tuesday, October 12th for consideration. Candidates will be notified of their selection by October 24th.
Qualified candidates and their parents are invited to attend information sessions on Monday, September 27th. The student information session will take place from 3:00pm-3:45pm in the auditorium. The parent information session will be held on the evening of September 27th, from 6:00pm-7:00pm, via Zoom. The Zoom link will be shared shortly.
We are excited to bring this prestigious organization to Dubai American Academy and look forward to offering the amazing opportunities associated with membership in the National Honor Society.
advanced placement parent Morning
Dear Parents of 2021-2022 Advanced Placement Students,
We are pleased that your child has chosen to challenge themselves by enrolling in Advanced Placement courses. We would like to invite you to an Advanced Placement Parent Coffee Morning to provide an overview of the Advanced Placement program and answer any questions that you may have. The Advanced Placement Parent Coffee Morning will take place on Thursday, September 30th at 8:30am via Zoom. We will send the Zoom link shortly.
Please note that course-specific details will not be discussed, rather the focus of the coffee morning will be the Advanced Placement program in general. A recording of the session will be shared for those parents who are unable to attend the coffee morning.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, September 30th at 8:30am.
High School Counseling


GEMS Alumni app
HS General Email:
Highschool_daa@gemsedu.comHS Attendance Secretary
Roma Agtarap / 04 704 9747 / r.agtarap_daa@gemsedu.comHS Secretary to Principals
Nashmia Saleem/ 04 704 9723 / n.saleem1_daa@gemsedu.comHS Secretary to Counselors
Alvin Agtarap/04 704 9831 / a.agtarap_daa@gemsedu.comGr 9: Ms. JoAnn Porterfield A-Z https://jporterfielddaa.youcanbook.me
Grades 10-12: Katrina Watson: (A-B) https://katrinawatson-4.youcanbook.me/
Rhiana Courlander: (C-I) https://rhiana-2.youcanbook.me
Phillip Wenturine: (J-Phi) https://mrphillipwenturine.youcanbook.me/
Trisha Johnson: (Phil-Z) https://mstrishajohnson.youcanbook.me/