The High School HUB website has been created for our high school parents and students. It has information on so many subjects including:
Subject selection
Upcoming events
Student Government
And so much more!
September 23rd, 2022
Welcome from your DAA High School Senior Leadership Team
Dear High School Parents:
What an exciting week at DAA! We were so excited to welcome back Senior Parents into the building to discuss their students' next steps and plan for the future. It was a great turnout both in-person and online. That same evening, our volleyball boys and girls had games here at school.
This upcoming week, we will have our first High School Coffee Morning. Details are found below, but I would like to formally invite you to take part in that event either in-person or online. As the father of a middle school student, I know that teenagers sometimes wish we were a bit more hands off, but your involvement during this pivotal time in their lives makes a huge difference. The September topic will be a general introduction to the year, and we will discuss grading and attendance policies.
There are lots of opportunities to get involved in our community. Please come out and be interconnected. Join us at the Coffee Morning, join the Duke of Edinburgh meeting with your child, or watch our JV volleyball teams at home on the 26th. Have a great weekend and we look forward to connecting with you soon!
Kind regards,
Dr. Cody Yocom
High School Principal
HS Counseling


Donate at DAA to fund Pakistan Flood Relief
Pakistan is currently facing one of the worst natural disasters in history which affecting 33 million people. With one third of the country under water, millions of people have been displaced from their homes and have had their livelihoods destroyed, and the repercussions of this disaster only intensify each day.
In collaboration with the Emirates Red Crescent, grade 11 student Hania Inam, will be leading a donation drive and collecting essential everyday items as well as cash donations. For that, she needs you, the DAA community!
You will be able to find donation boxes at all divisional receptions and Red Crescent cylinders at the High School reception and multiple around the lobby. Your donation makes a difference, no matter how big or small.

updates & Announcements
Back to School Night Thank you and Feedback
This past Wednesday, September 14th, we held our Annual HS Back to School Night. The last time we were able to have parents in person for this event was 2019.
We hope that you were able to attend and learn about the various classes that your high school students are enrolled in.
Please know that it was such a pleasure to see so many familiar faces, meet new members of the community and to simply have parents back in the building in person. Teacher’s presentations are linked for your reference. Should you have any questions regarding the presentations, please contact your child’s teacher.
Whilst we received so many positive comments during the evening, we would love to know what you thought of our Back to School Night and if you have any suggestions for improvement.
If you have any feedback, we would love to hear from you.
HS Back to School Night 2022-23 Feedback Form
Eleven DAA Students Named to Prestigious AP Scholars List!
We are excited to announce that 11 DAA students from the 2021-22 school year have been named AP Scholars or AP Scholars with Honors by the College Board, the provider of Advanced Placement Exams (AP). The award is granted to students who have a 3 or higher score on three or more AP exams, or a 3.25 or higher on three or more exams, respectively. AP Exams are a culmination of year-long AP courses designed to be at a collegiate level. Great job to these Scholars!
Model United Nations (MUN) Seeking Members
MUN is seeking members for the new school year. Anyone who is interested in learning about international diplomacy, humanitarian issues or public speaking and participating in both local and international conferences should sign up here: 2022 - 2023 DAAMUN Interest Form
School Play Auditions - In addition to the MS/HS musical, we also have a theatre play in November (The Long Christmas Dinner by Thornton Wilder) which will take place November 25 and 26 at The Courtyard Theatre Playhouse,a great play for Thanksgiving. First and second call backs took place this week and we had amazing talent as always. Parts will be announced on Monday.
The second play will take place in March (musical or play). Auditions will be in early November but won’t clash with the play or the MS/HS musical. Please join the Classroom for further info and updates:
School Play(s)
Code: n7irres
Invite link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTQ2NjEwNTE5Mzk4?cjc=n7irres
The Ministry of Education’s Gifted and Talented Arts’ Program called Masterpieces begins Saturday September 24. Please find information on the program here including a photo with two of our students among those pictured with HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai and Prime Minister of the UAE. Masterpieces is normally reserved for gifted and talented Emirati students, however the MOE is eager to have DAA students of any nationality involved again. The program starts September 24 and runs through Nov 5 (every Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm at DAA). The categories are: Cinema, Photography, Oud, Choir, Theatre, Graphic Design, Illustration, Folkloric Dance, Hand Craft and Poetry. The teachers are all renowned artists in their own fields. If you are interested in taking part, please email Mr. Downey p.downey_daa@gemsedu.com
We can join students on to the Oct 1 session if they miss the first session. If you have strong talent in one of the areas above and want to commit to this, please get in touch (please have evidence of ability).
DAA MS/HS Musical Production ‘THE MUSIC MAN’ Updates
A big thank you and congratulations to everyone who auditioned for this year’s musical. It can be a nervous time, but we were very impressed by all the talent we saw during the audition videos and callback stage. Now that the cast list is ready to be announced, we are now opening applications for the BAND and CREW.
Musicians are wanted to join the Band for DAA’s performance of The Music Man. Mr. Holland is looking for experienced players that are confident in reading professional music notation and can commit to weekly rehearsals throughout September, October, November and the performances in December. Please complete the Google Form to express your interest and submit a short video of a performance of your choice.
Link to BAND application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepg5E-wwQH2Az-gi45eNvL8_Cqndqirs-MWmM4iJP-czA2WQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Any questions? Contact the band director - Mr. Holland: d.holland_daa@gemsedu.com
Want to be part of the musical, but prefer to be behind the scenes? We are looking for hard working and dedicated individuals who would like to participate as part of the crew for this year’s musical. There are a variety of responsibilities available including: set painting, prop creating, costume designing and construction, tech-crew including lighting, sound and special effects, publicity and backstage. To apply to be part of the crew please read over the slides very carefully and complete the application form available on the slides.
Link to CREW presentation:
Any questions? Contact the producer - Miss Eversteyn: m.eversteyn_daa@gemsedu.com
Dear Leopards,
TEDxYouth@DAA is looking for your ideas! The theme this year is "Inertia", meaning a tendency to stay unchanged. You might have encountered this topic in physics before, however, don't be afraid to go beyond the literal meaning and express your metaphorical understanding of the theme. Our 2023 TEDxYouth@DAA event will be both DAA's tenth event and the first in-person event in three years! Past TEDxYouth@DAA talks have also been uploaded on the TEDx official website and on YouTube. That being said, being a speaker at TEDxYouth@DAA is not only an opportunity to work on your writing, public speaking, and communication skills, but it is also a chance for you to go viral! In the past, we've had student talks exceed one hundred thousand views on YouTube! If you have an idea worth sharing, please fill up this application form and get started on planning your speech!
Get involved today!
upcoming dates of importance
High School Parent Coffee Morning
We look forward to this year’s first High School Parent Coffee Morning on Thursday, September 29th from 8:30am-9:30am. The session will be held in the auditorium and accessible through Zoom.
Meeting ID: 422 468 2249
Passcode: ith5vG
Coffee mornings are an opportunity for high school leadership to engage with parents and discuss important updates, information, and events. Additionally, there will be one area of focus during each session. September’s focus is a general introduction to the year and a discussion about grading and attendance policies.
We hope to see you in person or virtually on Thursday, September 29th.
School Photos October 3-7
High School Students will be taking school photos from Oct 3-7. The high school team will release the specific dates based on classes next week.
GEMS Alumni app
technical issues
If you are having technical troubles, please make sure to raise a ticket if the teacher is unable to help your child with a fix. Send an email to helpdesk@gemsdaa.net and they will help you to resolve the issue.
HS General Email:
Highschool_daa@gemsedu.comHS Attendance Secretary
Roma Agtarap / 04 704 9747 / r.agtarap_daa@gemsedu.comHS Secretary to Principal
Nashmia Saleem/ 04 704 9723 / n.saleem1_daa@gemsedu.comHS Secretary to Counselors
Alvin Agtarap/04 704 9831 / a.agtarap_daa@gemsedu.comIB Coordinator: Ms. Clare Boyes