October 21, 2021
High School Clubs
Clubs and Activities are underway!
After the successful annual Clubs and Activities fair, the club leaders wasted no time in getting started. Last week, clubs were already meeting and getting busy. From Junior MUN to baking club, students were getting involved in the over 70 clubs and activities that DAA has to offer. If students missed out on the club fair, multiple clubs are still taking on new members. Click on the link to find out which clubs are still looking for people to join.
EXPO 2020
With Expo 2020 now fully up and running we have organized a number of trips for our high school students to visit the site and enjoy the pavilions. Grade 9 will be the first grade level to visit “The World of Opportunity” on the October 26th with Grades 10, 11 and 12 visiting over the coming months. We are excited for this opportunity and hope the students enjoy the experience.
The last weeks have been busy in our CREWs! The Grade 9 classes took a field trip to EXPO 2020, visiting the Opportunity Pavilion and learning the importance that one person can have on an entire world. The freshmen have also been working on the influence of organization and meaningful study habits to support their high school experience. After hearing from their representative Cabinet members, Grade 10 teachers have opened a dialogue with students about the importance of empathy and creating positive social interactions. Our upper grades continue with a vision toward the future, with Grade 11 working on time management and learning styles and how those can impact school performance, and Grade 12 learning the importance of budgeting when out in the world after high school. As teachers, CREW leaders have been analyzing the PASS survey data in order to provide targeted lessons through the class and additional supports for students who may need it. Building positive relationships among students in their CREWs and how those can transfer into the greater school community continues to be a priority.
MAP Testing
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing will take place for students in Grade 9 and Grade 10 as well as those in Grade 11 and 12 English and AP classes. Testing in Reading, Language Usage, Science and Math began on October 10th and will continue through November 4th.
Students are encouraged to get a good night's sleep as well as a nutritious meal prior to writing. These tests help give us a picture of student progress and attainment over time at DAA. These test results may also help to determine eligibility into certain courses or programs.
Please assist in ensuring that your child’s computer is fully charged and that they also bring their charging cable.
Students have also been asked to ensure their computer settings are correct by following the following directions: Preparing for Fall 2021 MAP Testing
For those students who were unable to write in class due to unforeseen circumstances, they will be emailed to attend a make-up session. It is important that students attend these sessions.
For more information on MAP testing, click on the Parent Information document here,
IB Registration
IB registration update for the class of 2022
All students taking certificates or the full Diploma have been supported through the process of completing their details in Managebac to register for their IB subjects.
On October 26th, all seniors will be asked to sign their registration details to show that they have carefully checked that both personal details and the courses selected are correct. These details will also be emailed to parents next week. Please take the opportunity to verify all details with your child to avoid errors, if there are errors please inform the IB Coordinator.
ib corner

High School Counseling

GEMS Alumni app
HS General Email:
Highschool_daa@gemsedu.comHS Attendance Secretary
Roma Agtarap / 04 704 9747 / r.agtarap_daa@gemsedu.comHS Secretary to Principals
Nashmia Saleem/ 04 704 9723 / n.saleem1_daa@gemsedu.comHS Secretary to Counselors
Alvin Agtarap/04 704 9831 / a.agtarap_daa@gemsedu.comGr 9: Ms. JoAnn Porterfield A-Z https://jporterfielddaa.youcanbook.me
Grades 10-12: Katrina Watson: (A-B) https://katrinawatson-4.youcanbook.me/
Rhiana Courlander: (C-I) https://rhiana-2.youcanbook.me
Phillip Wenturine: (J-Phi) https://mrphillipwenturine.youcanbook.me/
Trisha Johnson: (Phil-Z) https://mstrishajohnson.youcanbook.me/