October 21, 2022
pepper's spot!
Email Pepper: pepperspot_daa@gemsedu.com
school transportation initiative
GREAT NEWS! School Buses will be for FREE for 8 days from OCTOBER 19-28 for students who are NOT currently registered to use school transportation.
Reasons to give it a try:
1. Your time is valuable let us get your child to school and regain that time previously spent in traffic. Stop, Listen, TRY!
2. Our buses are fueled with Biofuel – consider a more sustainable transport method. Stop, Listen, TRY!
3. Safety - don’t compromise on safety. RTA licensed staff, CCTV monitored, buses inspected daily. Stop, Listen, TRY!
4. Be environmentally responsible and part of the solution to reduce emissions and congestions. Stop, Listen, TRY!
5. Give your child that sense of independence and responsibility – Use a school bus. Stop, Listen, TRY!
Click on Sign-up if you would like to register your interest.
Stop, Drop and Shuttle!
Available from October 19th
Let DAA do the last 1km of your journey. A school bus will be at the RTA parking 800m away from school. Avoid the congestion and let us take your child to school and drop off at inside GATE 1. Currently only available AM and for MS and HS students. Bus will depart car park at 7.30am.
DAA News
Dress Code Reminder
Dear Families,
What an exciting start to our splendid academic year! It is wonderful to see your smiling faces.
With welcoming all of you back on campus, we would like to kindly remind everyone that our students, faculty and each one of you are an important member of the DAA family. With our school community pulling together, we want to continue showing our respect for our host country and to each of our DAA members.
As parents, we kindly remind you that your help is vitally important. To ensure we respect our host country’s requirements and that we consider the comfort of all our children and their cultural backgrounds, please dress modestly at pick up or drop off. Whether you enter the campus building or manage outside, when you are on our DAA campus please be mindful.
Thank you for assisting with this respectful request. As helpful guidance, please avoid wearing sports bras, skirts and shorts that are not appropriate length, midriff tops, and sheer or revealing clothing. Not all sportswear is made equal and what is acceptable in a gym might not be appropriate in the childhood setting at school. Thank you so much for your great help in setting an example for the children as a caring and considerate community.
I am always available to meet with you should you have any questions or concerns.
Kind regards,
Admissions Director
Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday
On behalf of the Islamic department and administration at DAA, we would like to extend our wishes to you and your families on the occasion of the Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday (Peace and blessings be upon him), which takes place on Saturday, Oct 8th.
Muslims place a high regard for Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) who brought about reform 1400 years ago. His teachings established social, political, cultural and economic reforms. They brought about change to a community that was deep in their dark ages during a short period of 23 years. His messages were clear: "Verily, the believers with the most complete faith are those with the most excellent character and who are most kind to their families...”, and he was known to walk the talk so that his peers and family labeled him the "honest" and "trustworthy".
Annie Besant writes, "It is impossible for anyone who studies the life & character of the great Prophet of Arabia, …., to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher."
Prophet Muhammad, was sent as a teacher and mercy to all mankind. His nobility, righteousness, good character and pure life were full of life lessons. He taught us to speak the truth, to fulfill the promise, to stay away from extremism, to take care of orphans, to regard the rights of relatives and neighbors, and to spread love and compassion among others.
The Islamic Department has dedicated the Tuneful Tuesday morning for this special occasion, as well as Thursday and Friday morning announcements.
If you are up for the challenge, on this occasion, you can wish your Muslim friends a "Happy Mawlid-un-Nabi"!
May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad.

Individualized Learning Update
As was the case last year, this year too has brought a focus on individualized learning at DAA. We continue to review and enhance our program with a focus on enhancing opportunities for our academically talented students, as well as our talented students who demonstrate exceptionalities beyond academics in various creative and kinesthetic areas.
In addition to in-class differentiation; support for language and learning needs; extended and enriched learning experiences; and social and emotional support; we continue our partnership with Johns Hopkins University to facilitate the enrollment of interested DAA students in their Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Program for even more opportunities for our high-achieving academic learners. This enrichment program is an opportunity for students to be challenged beyond the classroom and for them to collaborate with other academically talented learners from around the world. One of the ways to qualify for enrolment is for students to score in the 98th percentile or higher in Reading and/or Math, on a recent MAP test. Parents of students who are eligible to enroll based on their MAP achievement will receive an email once we have completed MAP testing and data-collation for the Fall session.
The Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University have very kindly offered to host a virtual Information Session on October 13th, 5pm, about the various courses offered by them. Please find the details of this session above.
Ministry of Education Masterpieces
Phase 1 of The Ministry of Education’s Gifted and Talented Program called Masterpieces is currently underway at DAA each Saturday through November 5. The closing date has passed. Phase 2 which is more geared towards international and private schools as well as local schools will commence in January 2023 (venue to be decided) running for 7 weeks (every Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm). Categories are Theatre, Visual Arts, Music, Singing, Traditional Arts, Media and Creative Writing. The students receive specialized training on the Saturdays with a showcase at the end. Certificates are also presented to the students from the Ministry. Please apply through the Ministry’s portal if interested. Closing date is October 26. Selection is in November and it will start in January. For further information, please contact Mr. Downey p.downey_daa@gemsedu.com
Pictured below with HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai are two of DAA’s students (Samantha Loomes and Mohammed Al Bastaki) along with other students after Masterpieces, 2019
message from our Wellness team
Wellness thoughts:
Why is showing appreciation important?
We know that being appreciated feels good but did you know that it also helps the appreciator?
Showing appreciation helps your own: mood, wellbeing, outlook on life, and feelings about work or school.
Look around you, there are so many people in our school community to vocalize your appreciation to.
This is another way to foster our Culture of Kindness and be role models for our kids.
For more information please check out this article linked below:
health office updates

other information
ADMINISTRATIONADMISSIONS - Registrar_daa@gemsedu.com 04 704 9707
DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONSGabrielle Keane g.keane_daa@gemsedu.com / 04 704 9706
FINANCEfinance_daa@gemsedu.com 04 704 9740 / 04 704 9744
HEALTHhealthoffice_daa@Gemsedu.com / 04 704 9761
SLICES CATERINGMs. Shevine daa@slices.ae / 054 792 7509https://pay.slices.ae/support/ticket/submit
STS BUS SERVICEKelvin Sicat sde-daa@sts-group.com / 04 704 9755