February 18, 2021

Welcome to our DAA Parent Community 

#DAAPA #Togetherwecan

Parent Coffee mornings

Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/86758589835?pwd=aDYrbDNlSVFTeWNnam81dDI5azB0Zz09
Meeting ID: 867 5858 9835Passcode: 328634
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/88636618453?pwd=Y0xjMnZsT0daY3dKR0dFRFNmTzlaUT09
Meeting ID: 886 3661 8453Passcode: 589249
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81546613364?pwd=dVlOek5YSHlmajgvVFR3L05GNUtodz09
Meeting ID: 815 4661 3364Passcode: 128038

Country and Language Groups

Nationality & Language WhatsApp Groups

We have two new Nationality & Language WhatsApp groups which you are most welcome to join:

The Russian Language Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JkHU7uT4SG01aoMRFbJXqr

The French Language Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Jc0kc0vA5oC0WwshzE7QUt

Parent-Led Clubs

We have been working hard to restart the parent-led clubs, which were a great success last year. We are very happy to let you know that the following clubs have re-launched. Please feel free to join any of the clubs you’re interested in by adding yourself to the respective WhatsApp group(s)

 Book Club: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ji3CJaR8cTfGVg0YcdnHi6

 Yoga club: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GGzfvIUihYWJHUVlpW4Yr2

 Food Network on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/805835269832954

Leopards' Den

Leopards’ Den

You can now order your favorite school spirit wear from the Leopards’ Den online! The shop is normally open on campus, but with new rules and regulations all items are now available online. You can view the merchandise, check the sizes, and print your order forms here: https://leopardsdendaa.wixsite.com/leopards

This is the place to get all your DAA spirit wear including hoodies, t-shirts and masks!

Local Business Listing

DAA Parent Community Business Listing

 We have received an overwhelming response from the DAA parent community for our DAAPA initiative to compile a list of local businesses that are run by DAA parents ahead of the Holidays. The list is now ready and includes over 50 local businesses ranging from Food & Catering, Fashion & Accessories to Home Services and Health & Wellbeing products. Have a browse HERE and check them out! 

As a gentle reminder, DAAPA is providing this list as a courtesy for informational purposes only, it does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any products or services and it will be the parents’ responsibility to verify the providers independently.