September 8th                           Welcome to our DAA Parent Community 


For Students, by Parents.

Dear all parents,

We hope you had a great start to the school year and your families are settled.

We had a successful first DAAPA welcome morning and extend a warm thank you to the parents who joined us. For those who couldn't make it, our presentation is shared below.

This week the seniors also had their Class of 2024 Senior Sunrise Walk, you can see a selection of photos below.

We are so excited to have a fun year full of celebrations, and exciting events. 

New or returning families, if you wish to get involved please send an email to 

#DAAPA #Togetherwecan

DAAPA presentation-sep v2.pdf



Saturday, 23rd September 2023, 7:00pm - 10pm

Please read the flyer for information on the event and ticket purchasing. 


Book club: We are excited to let you know that our book club, run by Autumn, is in full swing. In book club we discuss many great books from different genres and authors. For more info please join our WhatsApp group

Book: The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

Location: Culinary Boutique, Galleria Barsha

Time: Monday, October 2nd, 8am

Yoga & Pilates club: Kindly join the link below if you are interested. 

Food Network: Kindly join the link below if you are interested.

leopard'S den

Dear Parents,


Leopard's Den is our School’s Spirit Store which, as a part of DAAPA, supports student led initiatives and events run by the parent association throughout the academic year.


* It sells merchandise like DAA Hoodies, Color House T-shirts, Mesac sports wear, Baseball Caps, Sports bags, tattoos,etc. (but not uniforms) to students.


*It is located on the ground floor (next to the Piano in the Atrium);


*It is open twice a day every weekday (Monday- Friday)except holidays.


*This is a call to all Parents*, who would like to volunteer 45 minutes of their time at least once a week (mornings around drop-off / afternoons around pick-up).


*So, if you want to play a role in School activities* and have a flair for making our childrens’ shopping experience quick and easy, please:

* Volunteer to run the Leopard’s Den - 5 days x 2 shifts x 2 parents per shift);

 (and preferred weekly day & shift)

Please get in touch with either Sangeeta Shetty 0502197389 or myself Sakshi Gupta 0522449127 if you wish to sign up.



Thanks & regards,

The Den Team




Calling all Moms and/or Dads who would like to be a part of our volunteers chat groups! Our divisions hosts several events throughout the year and it would be great to have you involved in organizing and hosting them along with the DAAPA team! 

The children absolutely love seeing you there at the events! Click on the link below to join:

Elementary Volunteer group:   

Middle School Volunteer group: 

High School Volunteer group: 

country and language groups

In the spirit of fostering cultural connections, we have created country and language groups to connect parents who share the same nationality or language within the DAA community.

Please find the below link, and note that there are a few new additions!

If you don't see your country group below, please reach out to DAAPA and we'll help you create one!


Please feel free to reach out to us at:

You can also follow us on Instagram for all DAAPA events and updates, at:
