The High School HUB website has been created for our high school parents and students. It has information on so many subjects including:

October 7th, 2022
Welcome from your DAA High School Senior Leadership Team

Dear High School Parents:

We have had another wonderful week at DAA. This week, we hosted two parent information sessions. One which outlined some of the trip offerings during HSC Week (February 27th-March 3rd, 2023) and another which welcomed our parents of Grade 11 students enrolled in the IB. This week, we have also continued to have some amazing results in Varsity and Junior Varsity Volleyball as well as Varsity and Junior Varsity Golf.

This coming week, there is so much happening. For example, on Wednesday, October 12th, we have a busy day planned. Grade 12 students will be at Aquaventure working on their Group 4 Science project, Grade 10 and 11 students will be in school writing their PSAT and Grade 9 students will be in school completing MAPs tests and taking part in a community-building dodgeball tournament.

Each day, I am thankful for the opportunities I get to connect with new students and parents as well as reconnect with parents who have not been in the building for quite some time. I urge parents to continue to look at ways to get involved in educational experiences with their children. It could be anything from looking at homework together with their child, coming out to support an athletic event that their child or their friend is in, encouraging their children to get involved in some of the charitable groups in the high school division and so much more. 

It is important to remember that our children mirror us. They mirror our attitudes, our actions and our language. Sharing positive educational experiences will help to strengthen a love of learning.

Kind regards,

Josh Doubleday

High School Assistant Principal

   HS Counseling 

10.6.22 SPOTS HS Counseling .pdf


Copy of CASWelcome.pdf

updates & Announcements

Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday

On behalf of the Islamic department and administration at DAA, we would like to extend our wishes to you and your families on the occasion of the Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday (Peace and blessings be upon him), which takes place on Saturday, Oct 8th


Muslims place a high regard for Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) who brought about reform 1400 years ago. His teachings established social, political, cultural and economic reforms. They brought about change to a community that was deep in their dark ages during a short period of 23 years. His messages were clear: "Verily, the believers with the most complete faith are those with the most excellent character and who are most kind to their families...”, and he was known to walk the talk so that his peers and family labeled him the "honest" and "trustworthy".


Annie Besant writes, "It is impossible for anyone who studies the life & character of the great Prophet of Arabia, …., to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher."


Prophet Muhammad, was sent as a teacher and mercy to all mankind. His nobility, righteousness, good character and pure life were full of life lessons. He taught us to speak the truth, to fulfill the promise, to stay away from extremism, to take care of orphans, to regard the rights of relatives and neighbors, and to spread love and compassion among others. 


The Islamic Department has dedicated the Tuneful Tuesday morning for this special occasion, as well as Thursday and Friday morning announcements.

If you are up for the challenge, on this occasion, you can wish your Muslim friends a "Happy Mawlid-un-Nabi"!  

May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad. 

Dress Code Reminders 

We appreciate your support in making sure your students are equipped to wear the DAA uniform each day. As a reminder, sweatpants, slides/sandals, and non-DAA hoodies are not acceptable uniform wear. Additionally, only the blue Threads leggings are approved, and only for days when a student has PE.  

Beginning Monday, October 10, students who violate dress code will be required to call parents to correct this issue. Thank you for being the first line of approval of the dress code at home. 

Model United Nations (MUN) Seeking Members

MUN is seeking members for the new school year. Anyone who is interested in learning about international diplomacy, humanitarian issues or public speaking and participating in both local and international conferences should sign up here: 2022 - 2023 DAAMUN Interest Form Club Meetings will start after Club Fair. 

Duke of Edinburgh

Congratulations to Rianna Gupta and Alissa Becker for achieving the BRONZE level Duke of Edinburgh Award. These students are the start of DAA students to complete the award. We are very proud of them both and look forward to sharing more participants' successes as they begin to complete their award. The minimum length of time is 6 months to complete Bronze level. Students commit to 4 areas of the award - Skills, Service, Physical Recreation and an Adventurous Journey.

Please do follow us on Instagram @dofe_daa 

Back to School Fall Carnival

Student Government is happy to announce (and correct) the date for our Fall Carnival, formerly known as the Back to School BBQ. This event, now occurring on Thursday Oct 27th from 3-6pm, is a chance for students to get together after school for some fun, food and festivities including a dunk tank, soap soccer and an array of carnival style games. 

Grade 9 Dodgeball Tournament 

On October 12th, Grade 9 students will have an extended MAP testing session in the morning, followed by a dodgeball tournament and counseling session in the afternoon. Thank you to DAAPA who has coordinated cake pops for Grade 9 students following their dodgeball tournament.

Dress Code: Students should wear a t-shirt with their designated CREW color and PE shorts or leggings. 

Grades 10 and 11 PSAT 

On October 12th, Grade 10 and 11 students will take the PSAT in the morning, followed by counseling and well-being activities in the afternoon. The PSAT/NMSQT helps students prepare for the SAT Reasoning Test, which is part of the university application  process, and provides Grade 11 U.S. students the opportunity to enter the National Merit Scholarship Corporation competition. The PSAT/NMSQT measures critical reading skills, mathematics problem-solving skills, and writing skills.

An overview of the PSAT and guidance for PSAT testing day is linked below for your reference.

PSAT Overview and Test Day Guidance

Dress Code: Students may wear comfortable, school appropriate clothing for the PSAT. Refer to the high school handbook for dress code guidelines. 

Grade 12 Group 4 Aquaventure

On October 12th, all Grade 12 students will go to Aquaventure to conduct interdisciplinary scientific investigations. These investigations are a requirement of the IB diploma program, but all HS Science courses will complete this as a fun way to incorporate Science into the world around us. Students should arrive at school by 7:40 and will depart from school for Aquaventure. After completing their investigations, students with parental permission may remain at Aquaventure or return to campus for afternoon dismissal.

Dress Code: Students should bring a towel and can wear beach attire at Aquaventure, while being mindful of the UAE culture. 

The Ministry of Education’s Gifted and Talented Arts’ Program (Phase II:January intake)

Phase 1 of The Ministry of Education’s Gifted and Talented Program called Masterpieces is currently underway at DAA each Saturday through November 5. The closing date has passed. Phase 2 which is more geared towards international and private schools as well as local schools will commence in January 2023 running for 7 weeks (every Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm). Categories are Theatre, Visual Arts, Music, Singing, Traditional Arts, Media and Creative Writing. The students receive specialized training on the Saturdays with a showcase at the end. 

Please apply through the Ministry’s portal if interested. Closing date is October 26. Selection is in November and it will start in January. For further information, please contact Mr. Downey p.downey_daa@gemsedu.com 

Pictured below with HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai  are two of DAA’s students (Samantha Loomes and Mohammed Al Bastaki) along with other students after Masterpieces, 2019

Dear Leopards,


TEDxYouth@DAA is looking for your ideas! The theme this year is "Inertia", meaning a tendency to stay unchanged. You might have encountered this topic in physics before, however, don't be afraid to go beyond the literal meaning and express your metaphorical understanding of the theme. Our 2023 TEDxYouth@DAA event will be both DAA's tenth event and the first in-person event in three years! Past TEDxYouth@DAA talks have also been uploaded on the TEDx official website and on YouTube. That being said, being a speaker at TEDxYouth@DAA is not only an opportunity to work on your writing, public speaking, and communication skills, but it is also a chance for you to go viral! In the past, we've had student talks exceed one hundred thousand views on YouTube! If you have an idea worth sharing, please fill up this application form and get started on planning your speech! 

Get involved today!

G12 Core 

upcoming dates of importance

HS Athletics 

Come out and support our Season One teams in the following athletic events 

National Honor Society 

club flyer.pdf

GEMS Alumni app

Step into this exciting world of connectivity with over 400,000 alumni worldwide in over 80 countries. This is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with former classmates and fellow GEMS students to establish a valuable social and professional network. Take advantage of this opportunity today! Click on the GEMS For Life Alumni Network link above and download the app so that DAA can confirm your request to join the Alumni Network. 

technical issues

If you are having technical troubles, please make sure to raise a ticket if the teacher is unable to help your child with a fix.  Send an email to helpdesk@gemsdaa.net and they will help you to resolve the issue.


HS General Email: 


HS Attendance Secretary

Roma Agtarap / 04 704 9747 / r.agtarap_daa@gemsedu.com

HS Secretary to Principal

Nashmia Saleem/ 04 704 9723 / n.saleem1_daa@gemsedu.com 

HS Secretary to Counselors

Alvin Agtarap/04 704 9831 / a.agtarap_daa@gemsedu.com 

HS Principal: Dr. Cody Yocom
Assistant HS Principal: Mr. Josh Doublebay
Assistant HS Principal: Mrs. Ashley Szar
Director of Academic Pathways: Ms. Chelsea Bystra 
High School Dean of Students: Ms. Tara Oswald

IB Coordinator: Ms. Clare Boyes

High school RESOURCES