June 11, 2022
Next Issue June 24, 2022
A warm welcome to the incoming Superintendent/CEO, Dr. Ethan Hildreth, who is visiting the Dubai American Academy campus until the end of next week. Dr. Hildreth has been out front every morning to join Mrs. Murphy in welcoming our students and families to school.
Click here or on the video to the right to watch an update from Mrs. Tammy Murphy and Dr. Ethan Hildreth.
health reminders

Community Information

DAA expo 2020
The day has finally arrived for us to launch our wonderful virtual showcase of talents and interests!
We proudly present The DAA EXPO 2022
We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it!
summer fun
10% Early Discount (Mention Code TNI10) when registering before the 20th June!

Dear Parent/ Student!
Greetings from Brainy n Bright - a Microsoft Qualified Academic Institution accredited by STEM.org, USA & KHDA, Government of Dubai. Please be introduced to our upcoming global internship program on Artificial Intelligence open to the students from more than 30+ countries.
The interns will be mentored by our Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics Professor from George Mason University, USA who is a technology aficionado, celebrated author and has multiple patents to his credit. He is also the author of the very popular book "Building Computer Vision Applications using Artificial Neural Networks".
Overview of the Program & Internship:
Title: Artificial Intelligence Summer Program & Internship
Type: Program + Internship
Topics covered: Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning with specializations one one of the following: Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Predictive & Recommendation Engine
Mode of Training: In-classroom or Online (you may switch either of the options during the program in a day of notice)
Eligible Age Groups: 12years - 14 years | 15 years - 17 years | 18 years & above
Duration: You can opt for either of the options below:
*Additional VAT is applicable
Key Takeaways:
After the successful completion of the program, students will be receiving:
KHDA, Govt. of Dubai attested Course Completion Certificate
STEM.org, USA attested Course Completion Certificate
Certificate of Internship
Letter of Recommendation
Selection Process: There will be an aptitude test and interview process for qualifying for this internship program.
*No Prior knowledge of Coding or Artificial Intelligence Required*
To register your interest for this program & internship: CLICK HERE
Once you register your interest, our counsellor will call you and guide you accordingly.
Should you've any query, feel free to connect with us:
· Phone: +971 4 340 1055
· Mobile: +971 50 390 1055 / 50 470 1055 / 50 464 1055
· Email: contact@brainynbright.com
If you are leaving Dubai and withdrawing your child from DAA, please review the withdrawal process by clicking HERE.
Please contact our admissions office at registrar_daa@gemsedu.com immediately if your circumstances and intentions have changed for next year.
ADMINISTRATIONADMISSIONS - Registrar_daa@gemsedu.com 04 704 9707
DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONSGabrielle Keane g.keane_daa@gemsedu.com / 04 704 9706
FINANCEfinance_daa@gemsedu.com 04 704 9740 / 04 704 9744
HEALTHhealthoffice_daa@Gemsedu.com / 04 704 9761
PARENT RELATIONSVictoria Kiely pre_daa@gemsedu.com
SLICES CATERINGMs. Shevine daa@slices.ae / 054 792 7509https://pay.slices.ae/support/ticket/submit
STS BUS SERVICEKelvin Sicat sde-daa@sts-group.com / 04 704 9755