June 10th, 2021
Next Issue - June 27th
Congratulations to the Class of 2021! Watch Mrs. Murphy's Video message to our community by clicking HERE.
need to know
Congratulations to all the winners of the Quran Competition!

A kind reminder to our community of parents and drivers that parking in these marked spots is only for people of determination. Let's be respectful to those who truly are in need of these parking spots. As the weather is now warmer, we recognize that having to wait until the gates open is uncomfortable under the Dubai sun. That is why we have decided to open the gates 10 minutes earlier during afternoon pickup. Gates normally open at 2:35 daily, and 1:35 on Tuesdays. Going forward, they will open at 2:25 daily and 1:25 on Tuesdays. We ask parents to wait in the shaded areas outside of the building until pick-up time.
Remember our security guards are out there in the morning and afternoon to help keep our families safe so we ask that you please respect and follow their guidance as they direct traffic for our community.
Community news
The ESM Summer Holiday Camp at DAA is now open for registrations! Take advantage of the GEMS Students Offer which runs until the 12th June 2021. Register for 1, 2 or 3 full weeks and receive a discount of 25%.Register for 4, 5, 6 or 7 full weeks and receive a discount of 30%.
There will also be an additional 10% discount for siblings
Contact Jasmin at holidaycamp@esm.ae to receive your discount code. *Ts & Cs do apply
To register CLICK HERE
Don’t miss out on the fun, exciting and safe activities taking place over the summer break at DBS & DBSJP - places are limited!
We are pleased to inform you that the GEMS Parent Portal has the feature which allows you to upload your child’s COVID19 Vaccination record to your child’s profile. At this time, we ask that if your child has received the COVID19 vaccine, either first or both doses and irrespective of whether you had booked independently or through GEMS, that you kindly upload the records to the portal.
Please follow the instructions in THIS DOCUMENT which will assist you with your upload. If you require support with your parent portal password, kindly reach out to receptionist_daa@gemsedu.com.
Admissions and Finance
The re-enrollment deadline has now passed. If you have not confirmed the re-enrollment for your children, please be aware that their placement is not secured for the 2021/2022 academic year. Please note that your child’s re-enrollment is not automatic. You must indicate your intentions to re-enroll either through the GEMS Parent Portal or the GEMS Connect App using your GEMS parent username and password and you must do this for each child. Please contact our admissions office immediately if your circumstances and intentions have changed for next year. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it on the login page. If you have difficulty, please send an email to receptionist_daa@gemsedu.com and we will assist you.
ADMINISTRATIONADMISSIONS - Registrar_daa@gemsedu.com 04 704 9707
DIRECTOR of ADMISSIONSGabrielle Keane g.keane_daa@gemsedu.com / 04 704 9706
FINANCEfinance_daa@gemsedu.com 04 704 9740 / 04 704 9744
HEALTHhealthoffice_daa@Gemsedu.com / 04 704 9761
PARENT RELATIONSHilda Tabrizi pre_daa@gemsedu.com
SLICES CATERINGMs. Shevine daa@slices.ae / 054 792 7509https://pay.slices.ae/support/ticket/submit
STS BUS SERVICEKelvin Sicat kelvin.rosario@stss.ae / 04 704 9755