January 28, 2022
We are delighted that restrictions at school have started to be lifted and we will be able to resume with trips, events and PE fitness activities can resume starting on Monday, January 31st. Your children have shown flexibility and trusted that ‘this too shall pass’ and it has!
We were fortunate to have the Commissioner General for Education of Monaco, Isabelle Bonnal visit DAA this past week. Mrs. Bonnal is appointed to oversee Education, Youth and Sport / News / Policy & Practices for Monaco. She toured the school and was extremely impressed not only by our facility and resources, but also by our articulate students who spoke about the opportunities afforded to them as a DAA student.
Wishing you a lovely weekend ahead and a fresh start to Semester 2 on Monday.
Kind Regards,
Tammy Jochinke
High School Principal
road safety
This image was recently shared on our school’s social media platforms. It highlights the need for our high school students (who are regularly on their phones) to be aware of their surroundings.
When in a parking lot, or when crossing the street, our eyes should be on the traffic around us, not on our phones. We can’t depend on everyone else to be paying attention.
semester 1 reports
As Semester 1 finishes, Student Reports will be sent home on Monday February 7th. Parents and students with any questions are encouraged to reach out to the teachers directly.
winter map testing
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing will take place for students in Grade 9 and Grade 10 as well as those in Grade 11 and 12 English and AP classes. Testing in Reading, Language Usage, Science and Math begins on January 31st and will continue through February.
Students are encouraged to get a good night's sleep as well as a nutritious meal prior to writing. These tests help give us a picture of student progress and attainment over time at DAA. These test results may also help to determine eligibility into certain courses or programs.
Please assist in ensuring that your child’s computer is fully charged and that they also bring their charging cable.
Students have also been asked to ensure their computer settings are correct by following the following directions: Preparing for MAP Testing
For those students who were unable to write in class due to unforeseen circumstances, they will be emailed to attend a make-up session. It is important that students attend these make-up sessions.
For more information on MAP testing, click on the Parent Information document here,
national honor society update
Over the winter break, in preparation for the new year the NHS at DAA started curating ideas for our student-led initiatives as we hope to move towards our chapter goals. The chapter, led by President Ananya Sharma, met on Wednesday, the 26th of January and approved the Chapter Bylaws, the document that will guide the procedures and policies of our chapter. The meeting also provided an opportunity for student initiative leaders to answer questions about their proposed initiatives. The NHS is buzzing with initiative ideas in all three fields of focus: Mental Health, the Environment, and Community Service.
Follow our Instagram, @nhs.daa for updates on our chapter and all the great work the NHS hopes to do. Watch this space for more information!
Noor El Ali, NHS Public Relations Officer
high school counseling

2022/23 subject selection - pathways evenings
During the months of February and March, high school administrators, counselors, and teachers will host several sessions to guide parents and students in selecting student’s courses for the 2022/23 academic year. We invite parents and students to join our virtual, grade-level specific Pathways Evenings, where we will provide an overview of the programs and courses offered at Dubai American Academy.
Please join us via Zoom* from 6:00pm-7:00pm for your grade level’s Pathways Evening.
Grade 9 to Grade 10: Monday, February 7th
Grade 10 to Grade 11: Tuesday, February 8th
Grade 11 to Grade 12: Wednesday, February 9th
*Zoom details will be sent out prior to the evening.
We look forward to sharing information about the IB, AP, and US High School pathways available to Dubai American Academy high school students.
Kind Regards,
Ashley Szar, Director of High School Academic Pathways
GEMS Alumni app
HS General Email:
Highschool_daa@gemsedu.comHS Attendance Secretary
Roma Agtarap / 04 704 9747 / r.agtarap_daa@gemsedu.comHS Secretary to Principals
Nashmia Saleem/ 04 704 9723 / n.saleem1_daa@gemsedu.comHS Secretary to Counselors
Alvin Agtarap/04 704 9831 / a.agtarap_daa@gemsedu.comGr 9: Ms. JoAnn Porterfield A-Z https://jporterfielddaa.youcanbook.me
Grades 10-12: Katrina Watson: (A-B) https://katrinawatson-4.youcanbook.me/
Rhiana Courlander: (C-I) https://rhiana-2.youcanbook.me
Phillip Wenturine: (J-Phi) https://mrphillipwenturine.youcanbook.me/
Trisha Johnson: (Phil-Z) https://mstrishajohnson.youcanbook.me/