September 23, 2021
Next Issue October 7, 2021
Watch Mrs. Murphy's Video message about the first month of school, some fun facts, and more by clicking here.
Back to school night
Thank you to all of the families that took time to join our Virtual Back to School Nights! For those that were not able to join, (or those that would just like a second peek!), please see below for the divisional links.
Traffic Update
In honor of this week's World Gratitude Day, we would first like to begin by thanking SafeCor for their additional staff, the Dubai Police for their support and presence, and to our learning community who have exercised grace and patience. There is not one solution, but as we have seen, when we all come together to support each other as a community, we can make a difference.
Last week, there was an RTA member outside of the school issuing tickets to those that had either not paid, or were not parked in a permitted area. Unfortunately, the school does not have any jurisdiction outside of the building walls, so we would like to provide some guidance from RTA's website, for your future reference.
If you are parking in the lined spaces in the lot or on the street, you can pay using code 373C. Information on registering for mParking can be found here.
If you would like to purchase an RTA Annual Pass, information can be found here.
Some facts from the RTA website:
How much will I be charged for using the mParking service?
The charges for using the mParking service would depend on the zones. Different zones have different charges. There is an additional transaction fee of 30 fils per SMS for using the mParking service.Example: If a one-hour ticket from the Parking machine costs Dhs 4.00 then the end user will be charged Dhs 4.30 for 1hr if they use mParking service.
What are the categories of parking fines?
Category 1: Non payment of fees or failure to but the ticket (150 AED)
Category 2: Parking longer than specified period in the ticket (100 AED)
Category 3: Exceeded the maximum parking for more than three hours (some positions are not allowed to stand for more than two hours) (AED 100).
Category 4: Parking in the wrong way or illegal parking, like in sand location (200 AED)
Health and safety
At Dubai American Academy, the health and safety of our students is our number one priority. We go to great lengths to ensure that all our students are protected and developing in an environment that is safe physically, socially and emotionally. One important way that we care for our students’ health is through our School Health Clinic.
If you have not submitted your child's DHA health form, please do so immediately. This document keeps our staff informed and prepared in the event of any emergency at school, on a field trip, or during any extra-curricular activities. Due to this, we must receive this form before September 30, 2021. Failure to submit this form may lead to your child being excluded from field trips and activities, out of concern for their safety and in accordance with KHDA and Dubai Health Authority.
Please complete the below form and send it electronically at Should you have any questions, please reach out to our Health Clinic at 04 704 9761.
Thank you for your attention to this important and urgent matter.

EXPO 2020

Musical production announcement
We are delighted to announce that Legally Blonde the Musical will be the 2021/22 combined middle and high school production this year. This show is based off the adored, award-winning movie. Students in both middle and high school will have the opportunity to audition to be part of the cast and band. For students that prefer to be involved behind the scenes, they can apply to be part of the crew; including set painting, props, costumes, backstage, publicity and tech crew. Full audition details will be posted on Google Classroom bulletins on Sunday, September 26th for the cast, and stay tuned for crew and band information in October.
GEMS music hub and choir
If you are leaving Dubai and withdrawing your child from DAA, please review the withdrawal process by clicking HERE.
Please contact our admissions office at immediately if your circumstances and intentions have changed for next year.
DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONSGabrielle Keane / 04 704 9706 04 704 9740 / 04 704 9744 / 04 704 9761
SLICES CATERINGMs. Shevine / 054 792 7509
STS BUS SERVICEKelvin Sicat / 04 704 9755