KHDA E-Registration

August 26, 2020

Dear DAA Families,

We hope that you have had a wonderful summer and are ready to join us either in person or virtually for the 2020/2021 academic year. Our administrators and teachers have been working tirelessly to ensure that the school and learning environments are prepared to continue to offer our Outstanding education.

In order to ensure that your student can begin school on Sunday, August 30, you will need to complete the online KHDA school registration process on their e-system. You should have received an individualized email and SMS with instructions on how to complete this process. 

If you did not receive an email or SMS, or have any questions, please send the name and grade of your student to our Government Relations Executive, Soheir Mohamed at

Thank you for your attention to this important and urgent matter. We look forward to welcoming you to school on Sunday.

Kind regards,

GEMS Dubai American Academy